Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Croissant French Toast

I love French Toast more than a normal person should. I made this one night when I wanted French Toast but had no bread. I did have a croissant. So this is what came about. This is for one person so just multiply for the number of people you are making it for.

1 croissant
1 egg
1 teaspoon sugar
Splash of milk couple drops of vanilla or any flavored extract you like
You can add cinnamon if you like I just didn't have any.

Crack the egg in a bowl big enough to fit the croissant in and whisk egg. Add sugar, milk and vanilla and mix together. Slice croissant horizontally into 3 slices. Drip the slices into the egg mixture, coating both sides. Place in hot butter pan. Cook on each side 2 to 3 minutes or until the egg is no longer wet. Top with powdered sugar and warm syrup.

1 comment:

K said...

looks delish! I saw your post, but didn't have access to my gmail until just now. email me at